Episode Five

In this episode, I had the lovely opportunity to talk to Zoe Tuck in a coffee shop in Oakland. We discuss speculative fiction and poetry, the second wave feminism she navigated during her coming-of-age years, spirituality, trans/ gender variant identities and collective memory, and more. 

Zoe's website is here

and you can order Terror Matrix from TIL here

Other writers and thinkers brought up in this show: 

David Antin

Interview that Tom Léger was part of that I mentioned

"What is Bay Area Poetry" Podcast

Zoe’s review of Archipelago

Connie Willis

Ursula K. Le Guinn

Laura Moriarty

Alice Notley

Zach Ozma

bell hooks on arts education and visual politics

The sound of waves breaking was a bunch of turkeys, as per my partner's request.

Theme music is by Bahati Kiro, and the transition music is by Chris Zorn.

Transcripts by Amir Rabiyah: https://www.scribd.com/document/378479204/Zoe-Tuck-Interview

Email me at: wavesbreakingshow@gmail.com or find me on Twitter @MxAvren

Episode Four is Ready for Your Aural Pleasure

In this episode, I have the pleasure of interviewing the current editors of Vetch: A Magazine of Trans Poetry and Poetics: Kay Gabriel, Stephen Ira, Liam O'Brien and Rylee Lyman. We talk about their approaches to putting the journal together, their insights into transgender poetics, and touch on the archival of transgender/gender-variant art.

Theme music is by Bahati Kiro and Chris Zorn. 

Transcripts by Amirh Rabiyah can be found here.

Email me at: wavesbreakingshow@gmail.com or find me on Twitter @MxAvren

There's a huge reading/viewing list for this episode. Explore all the trans art!

The Sound of Waves Breaking for this episode is a clip from Season 4 of DBZ "Goku's Special Technique."

Here's the book I was talking about that my grandma gave me a while back

Here's the book I was talking about that my grandma gave me a while back


                                                                            witchy af :)

Episode Three

In this interview I get a chance to talk with Joy Ladin. We talk about her latest book Impersonation, how her relationship to poetic language changed as she transitioned, the use of persona in poetry, the early Modernists, and trends in trans & gender-variant poetry.

Joy's website is: joyladin.com. GO BUY IMPERSONATION IT'S GREAT.

Email me at: wavesbreakingshow@gmail.com or find me on Twitter @MxAvren

Transcripts are here, and they're put together by Amir Rabiyah.

Theme music by Bahati Kiro, transition music by Chris Zorn. 

The Sound of Waves Breaking is from the Nasa's new collection of space sounds up on Soundcloud. It's Chorus Radio waves from within Earth's atmosphere. 

Episode Two!

Today's show features a conversation between Loma and me about the government's influence on poetry, the boundaries of a poem between other objects and being, poetry & activism, struggling with how to write poetry about domestic abuse, fearlessness, and more.

Transcripts for this episode can be found here. 

As always, comment, rate and subscribe to this podcast on iTunes! I'll love you forever.

Poets mentioned in this episode:

Episode One is Here!

Here it is, the first episode of Waves Breaking. In this episode I interview Amir Rabiyah about the anthology they just co-edited, Writing the Walls Down

Here's the show on iTunes. Please rate, subscribe, and share widely. :) 

Transcripts for this episode, as transcribed by Amir Rabiyah, are here. 

If you would like to support Amir Rabiyah's writing residency, go to gofundme.com/amirgoestohambidge to donate.

And if you would like to support Aurora Levins Morales' goal to get safe housing, go to littlevehicleforchange.org to donate.